Friday, June 24, 2011

To Succeed In Your Online Business You need FOCUS

TOPIC:To Succeed In Your Online Business You
need FOCUS

Welcome back Friends,

I have a great story to illustrate to
you why being focus is very important to
your success in your online ventures

"Once Upon a time,For weeks a lion tamer
in-training had observed his teacher very carefully.

He paid close attention to every move
his teacher made, especially the timing.
He asked many good questions and just
about everything made perfect sense to him.

However, one thing stood out as odd.
Each time his teacher entered the
lion’s cage he took a stool in with him
and always pointed it with the legs
towards the lion’s face.

Puzzled as to why this was, he asked
yet another good question, “Teacher,
why is it that you never enter the
lion’s cage without the stool. I have
watched you carefully for weeks now
and I do not understand.”

The teacher responded, “Yet another
wise observation you have made.
Pointing the four legs of the stool
to the lion’s face causes him to try
and focus on all four at once.

This act tames him as it divides his
focus and sends him into a state of paralysis.”

This amazing short story illustrates the
power of focus. As you look at your
career as a business owner are
your focused or paralyzed by a lack of focus?

When I started my online buiness even as an
undergraduate in the University I made lot
of silly mistakes.

Iamgine me jumping from one business to another.

I joined Network marketing programs nothing
to show for after speding money to buy their

That is not all. I joined HYIP (High yield
investment program)

I'm sure you must have heard of this program.
It is very popular online.

Guess what? It is the owners that make all
the money. They will pretend to be real for
like 2-5 months, sometimes for years.

Before you know, your money is gone.
I can stil remember losing over 1million
naira to geniusfund.

You don't need them to succeed online.
you don't need paid to read programs,
you don't need online surveys, you
don't need data entry etc.

If you want to succeed online, I will avise
you to stick to only two programs and stay
focus on them and that is exactly what I do.

I know you are already asking what are these
two programs?

No.1 is Internet Marketing.

No,2, is Google adsense program.

These are the only programs that is guaranteed
to make you millions, yes millions.

But you need focus if you really want to succeed.
Without focus you end up all over the place.
A lack of focus will cause you to spend more energy while accomplishing less.

P.S I want to invite you to join my group
coaching class. This is for those who wants
to earn at least 100k from internet marketing
within the next 30 days. CLICK HERE NOW

PP.S There is goodnews for those who missed out
in the adsnse for content website offer which I launched
with my Oyibo friend.

Now you have opportunity to grab the offer.
This time it comes with free website.

Yes you are getting one full content website
free if you act fast before it closes again.

Still doubting? Please don't. click here to confirm

PPP.S I have a free gift for you by ewen chia.
This report is a very great one."38 ways to
live,breath and work better on the internet.

Click and download your free copy below

All The Best
Sabastian G James
CEO Sabaplus Consultancy

Are you bless by this free course?
If so reply to this mail and share
your testimony, Thanks God Bless u!

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